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- Dagpo KagyuDagpo Kagyu; 達波噶舉; Tibetan: དྭགས་པོ་བཀའ་བརྒྱུད; Wylie: dwags po bka' brgyud; Dagpo Kagyu was founded by Gampopa. The Four Major Schools of(...) >>
- Daka Daka, Hero, Warrior, Pawo; 勇父, 英雄, 戰士 (巴我); Tibetan: དཔའ་བོ (pawo); Wylie: dpa' bo; Sanskrit: ḍāka; Daka (hero) is a male (human yogi or(...) >>
- DakiniDakini, Khandroma; 空行母 (荼吉尼, 康卓瑪); Tibetan: མཁའ་འགྲོ་མ (khandroma), ཌཱ་ཀི་ནཱི (dakini); Wylie: mkha' 'gro ma, DA ki nI; Sanskrit:(...) >>
- Dakini MudraDakini Mudra / Flaming Mudra is formed with both hands at the forehead, palms facing out with tips of thumbs and index fingers touching. >>
- dakṣiṇaRight; 右 (耶); Tibetan: གཡས (ye); Wylie: g.yas; Sanskrit: Dakṣiṇa; >>
- DamaruDamaru, Small Hand Drum; 手鼓, 達瑪如鼓 (達瑪如); Tibetan: ད་མ་རུ, ཌ་མ་རུ (damaru); Wylie: da ma ru; Sanskrit: ḍamaru; Damaru is a small hand drum(...) >>
- DamchoDamcho, Sacred Teachings; 神聖的教義 (丹曲); Tibetan: དམ་ཆོས (damchö); Wylie: dam chos; Damcho is a common Tibetan name. Alternate spelling /(...) >>
- DampaDampa, Ultimate, Sacred, Holy Master; 聖者, 終極, 神聖, 真實 (丹帕/當巴); Tibetan: དམ་པ (dam pa); Wylie: dam pa; >>
- Dana ParamitaGenerosity, Jinpa; 布施波羅密 (今巴); Tibetan: སྦྱིན་པ (jin pa); Wylie: sbyin pa; Sanskrit: Dana paramita; Generosity (Dana paramita) is one of the(...) >>
- DandaClub; Pestle, Danda; 杵, 棍棒 (貝君); Tibetan: བེ་ཅོན (bey chön); Wylie: be con; Sanskrit: Danda; >>
- dang dral weFree of, Separate, Beyond; 離, 分開, 超越 (當哲哇); Tibetan: དང་བྲལ་བ (dang drel wa); Wylie: dang bral ba; དང་བྲལ་བར >>
- DargayDargye, Progress, Development; 進步、發展 (達傑); Tibetan: དར་རྒྱས (dar gye); Wylie: dar rgyas; Dargye is a common Tibetan name meaning progress,(...) >>
- DargyeDargye, Progress, Development; 進步、發展 (達傑); Tibetan: དར་རྒྱས (dar gye); Wylie: dar rgyas; Dargye is a common Tibetan name meaning progress,(...) >>
- DarikapaDarikapa; 達利噶巴; Tibetan: དཱ་རི་ཀ་པ; Sanskrit: Dārikapa; Darikapa, the "Slave-King of the Temple Whore", was one of the 84 Indian(...) >>
- DasaparamitaTen Perfections; 十波羅密, 十度; Tibetan: ཕ་རོལ་ཏུ་ཕྱིན་པ་བཅུ (pha rol tu phyin pa bcu); Wylie: pha rol tu phyin pa bcu; Sanskrit:(...) >>
- Dasha10, the number ten; 十 (久); Tibetan: ༡༠, བཅུ (chu); Wylie: bcu; Sanskrit: Dasha; >>
- DashadikaTen directions; 十方 (秋久); Tibetan: ཕྱོགས་བཅུ (chok chu); Wylie: phyogs bcu; Sanskrit: Dashadika; Ten directions are the four cardinal(...) >>
- DatiDestroyer; 破壞者; Sanskrit: Dati; >>
- Daughter of noble family Daughter of noble family; 善女人 (日伊吉布摩); Tibetan: རིགས་ཀྱི་བུ་མོ (rik kyi bumo); Wylie: rigs kyi bu mo; >>
- DawaMoon, Month, Dawa; 月亮 (達瓦); Tibetan: ཟླ་བ (Dawa); Wylie: zla ba; Dawa is a common Tibetan name meaning moon and people borned on Monday. 達瓦(...) >>
This is an beta (testing) version of our Chinese / English / Sanskrit / Tibetan Buddhism popup dictionary system. We are still in the process of fine tuning the structure and layout of the system and resolving some minor issues. As of spring of 2024, there are over 3,100 Tibetan terms and over 6,800 entries in all languages. We plan to add a lot more terms throughout 2024 and beyond. Please use the Comments/Reply section below to make suggestions and corrections so we can continue to improve the system. You may also suggest new terms by clicking the « Suggest a term » link.
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