Palden Lhamo

Palden Lhamo || 吉祥天母 All Event 活動 Sadhana 法本 Teaching 甘 […]
Palden Lhamo Short Sadhana || 吉祥天母簡修法

༄༅།།དཔལ་ལྡན་ལྷ་མོའི་སྒྲུབ་ཐབས་ཐུང་བ།།། 吉祥天母簡修法 Palden L […]
Gosok Rinpoche Palden Lhamo Brief Sadhana Oral Transmission || 果碩仁波切 口傳吉祥天母略軌

To help dispel the Covid-19 corona virus as soon as possible, His Eminence Jangtse Choeje Kyabje Gosok Rinpoche has recorded this short Palden Lhamo Mantra Practice for everyone. Please repeat the recording three times after Gosok Rinpoche to receive the Palden Lhamo Mantra Transmission. Recite and pray often during these difficult times for all sentient beings.
Gosok Rinpoche Palden Lhamo Initiation Sept 21 2019 || 北頂法王怙主果碩仁波切
大護法—吉祥天母隨許灌頂 2019-09-21

Kunphen Buddhist Centre Toronto