Godhuripa, the “Bird-Catcher”, was one of the 84 Indian Vajrayana Mahasiddhas….
郭盧惹出生在一個世代以捕鳥為生的人家。有一天,他到山林捕鳥,在捕獲滿籠小鳥後,卻望著網中的鳥兒深深嘆息。剛好有位瑜珈士經過,就問他為何嘆息?郭盧惹說他沮喪於靠奪取眾生性命維生,於是瑜珈士給予他灌頂,並授予他密法。 郭盧惹修持九年,清淨了一切念頭,獲得大手印成就。住世一百年,教授佛法利益無量眾生;而在宣說修行歷程後,與三百位隨從趨入勇父的淨土。(維基百科)
Godhuripa was a bird catcher from Disunagar. One day while catching some songbirds in the jungle, he met a yogin on his way into town to beg food. When the yogin saw him with his nets filled with tiny birds, the yogin asked why he was doing such a cruel thing. Godhuripa said “I know it’s wrong. I suppose the many evils of my past lives have forced me into this violent trade in order to live. I’m ashamed of this miserable existence, but its all I know how to do.”
In reply, the yogin said he’s only making his karma worse by plying this trade. Depressed, Godhuripa sat down under a tree and began to weep. He then looked at the yogin and begged for help. He released the songbirds from his net. The yogin granted him initiation through a transfer of grace. Then the guru instructed him in the meditation that concentrates all attention on one dominant image. He was to visualize all the sounds in the world as his memory of birdsong, until sound and birdsong become one.
Godhuripa meditated until all sound had become one sound, inseparable from emptiness. After 9 years, all the defilements of his perception vanished and he gained mahamudra-siddhi.
He remained in the world for another 100 years working for all sentient beings. Then, with 300 disciples, he arose bodily into the Paradise of the Dakinis.
Mahasiddha Gharbari ||
大成就者 達爾瑪巴
84 Mahasiddhas ||
84 大成就者
Mahasiddha Goraksha ||
大成就者 郭拉洽