Mahakala Jenang Empowerment Teaching 2021-10-24

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      臉書視頻: 六臂瑪哈嘎拉隨許灌頂及聖道三要開示 : 藏語和漢語 || Mahakala Jenang Empowerment and Three Principal Aspects of the Path Teaching Tibetan and Chinese Youtube Video

      無等北頂法王 果碩仁波切




      The origin of today’s Dharma assembly arose from earlier requests. Some people suggested inviting Rinpoche to teach on the “view of emptiness” from The Three Principal Aspects of the Path . Additionally, there were requests for Rinpoche to transmit the oral transmission of the Six-Armed Mahakala, known as the Swift Savior, and later for Rinpoche to bestow the Jenang initiation of the Swift Savior. Due to these causes and conditions, today’s Dharma assembly has come into being.

      The Origin and Significance of the Six-Armed Mahakala Practice



      We will briefly introduce the Six-Armed Mahakala that will be transmitted today, along with the story of its lineage connected to Avalokiteshvara. The main origin lies in Avalokiteshvara’s past great vow to liberate all sentient beings. After countless eons of tirelessly working to benefit sentient beings, he thought that perhaps all beings had been liberated. However, upon checking, he realized that despite his efforts over many eons, the number of sentient beings had not decreased. Feeling disheartened, he began to consider abandoning his bodhicitta, thinking that he might no longer be able to benefit sentient beings and that their liberation was unattainable.


      Previously, when Avalokiteshvara first generated bodhicitta, he made a solemn vow: if all sentient beings are not freed from samsara, he would remain in samsara until every single being is liberated; should he ever break this vow, his head would shatter into a thousand pieces. Thus, when he decided to abandon his past vows, his head shattered into a thousand fragments. At that moment, his root guru, Amitabha Buddha, appeared before him and said, “Do not lose your bodhicitta.” He encouraged Avalokiteshvara to make an even greater vow to save sentient beings. Through the blessings of Amitabha Buddha and the Buddhas and bodhisattvas of the ten directions, Avalokiteshvara’s shattered head transformed into the Eleven-Faced Avalokiteshvara with a thousand arms. Upon awakening, the syllable HUM at his heart manifested into the Six-Armed Mahakala, the Swift Savior. This manifestation was created to liberate sentient beings.


      If sentient beings need to be guided by peaceful deities, they will be guided accordingly. If they require the wrathful form, they will be guided by the Six-Armed Mahakala, the Swift Savior. Practicing the Swift Savior’s Dharma can remove all obstacles. This is a brief introduction to the essence of this practice.

      傳承的典故將儘量簡短的來說明,最主要這個法的傳承來自 (香巴噶舉大師) 瓊波內久 (ཁྱུང་པོ་རྣལ་འབྱོར),他是一位已經證得雙運成就的大成就者,他向傳法的師長— (印度佛教大師) 梅吉巴 (Maitripa 1007-1085) 獻供了黃金,希望他能夠求得一個法,因為他覺得西藏的眾生常常受用不足,貧困,個性比較急,修法者的障礙比較多,他就向梅吉巴MEI JIE BA請求,有沒有不用太困難,不用修太久,不會太複雜的,能夠修持的法,要修共的成就時,自然可以生起不共的成就;如果要修不共的成就;那共的成就也會自然就獲得。

      The story of the lineage will be explained as concisely as possible. The primary lineage of this Dharma comes from the great (Shangpa Kagyu) master Khyungpo Naljor (ཁྱུང་པོ་རྣལ་འབྱོར), who had already attained the supreme union of wisdom and compassion. He offered gold to his teacher, (Indian mahasidda) Maitripa (1007-1085), requesting a teaching. Observing that sentient beings in Tibet often suffered from poverty, scarcity, impatience, and numerous obstacles in their practice, he asked Maitripa for a Dharma that was not too difficult, did not require long practice, and was not overly complex. He sought a practice where, when cultivating common attainments, uncommon attainments would naturally arise, and when cultivating uncommon attainments, common attainments would also be achieved effortlessly.

      然後能夠迅速遠離貧困,去除障礙,只要修就能夠快速獲得成就的法,因為這個因緣,梅吉巴 Maitripa 就把六臂智慧怙主的法傳給瓊波內久這個大成就者,此大成就者後來就把這個法在西藏裡面傳出來,此法大概是這樣傳承過來。

      This Dharma could swiftly help practitioners overcome poverty and remove obstacles, allowing them to quickly achieve attainments through practice. Due to this connection, Maitripa transmitted the Dharma of the Six-Armed Wisdom Protector to Khyungpo Naljor. This great master later spread this Dharma throughout Tibet, and this is how the lineage has been passed down.


      The Six-Armed Wisdom Protector manifests as a Dharma protector, but he is different from ordinary worldly protectors. He is an uncommon Mahayana Dharma protector, embodying the compassionate nature of Avalokiteshvara. Thus, he has the power to bless practitioners in generating compassion within their minds. In order to receive this Dharma, we must first offer a mandala, transforming all our accumulated merits, virtuous actions, and body, speech, and mind from countless lifetimes into the most sublime offerings. We now proceed with the mandala offering.

      Foundation, Path and Result of Buddhist Practice



      First, I wish everyone auspiciousness. At the start of today’s Dharma assembly, it is essential to correct our motivation. The initial intention with which we seek the Dharma and receive the transmission is extremely important. In Nagarjuna’s Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning , it is said: “Through this virtue, may sentient beings gather the accumulations of merit and wisdom; through merit and wisdom, may they attain the two supreme results.”


      The happiness we seek is eternal and unchanging. We seek not merely temporary but permanent elimination of suffering. To understand the path, we must first comprehend the foundation, and only then can we ultimately attain Buddhahood (basis or foundation, path, result). Regarding the basis or foundation, we understand that all phenomena arise dependently according to conventional truth. Therefore, we must deeply understand and believe in the infallible law of cause and effect, recognizing that virtuous actions inevitably lead to happiness and non-virtuous actions to suffering.

      何謂對業果無誤? 就是瞭解行善必定獲得樂果,造惡必定會得苦果的這個道理無誤;另外,基的部分,必須瞭解一切法勝義諦的內涵,是一切法沒有絲毫的自性,所以我們要了解法在基的部分,它在世俗諦上面是符合緣起的,在勝義諦上面是無自性的。

      What does it mean to correctly understand cause and effect? It means fully comprehending that virtuous actions inevitably bring happiness and non-virtuous actions bring suffering. Additionally, regarding the foundation, we must understand the ultimate truth (ultimate reality)—that all phenomena lack inherent existence. Thus, we need to recognize that phenomena are dependent on causes and conditions at the level of conventional truth, while being devoid of inherent nature at the level of ultimate truth.


      If we understand the foundation, then practicing the path naturally aligns with this understanding. For example, after maturing our mental continuum and generating bodhicitta, we naturally engage in the practices of a bodhisattva, such as generosity, ethical discipline, patience, and the other six perfections. Why does this happen so naturally? It is because we recognize that the foundation teaches the principle that virtuous actions inevitably lead to positive results.


      Moreover, in practicing the path, because we understand from the foundation that all phenomena lack inherent existence, we focus on cultivating the correct view of emptiness. By fully practicing the aspects of conventional truth, we eventually achieve the Buddha’s form body (rupakaya), which arises from the perfection of merit.


      The truth body (dharmakaya ) is attained by perfecting the ultimate truth through the cultivation of the correct view of emptiness, which completes the accumulation of wisdom. In this way, by perfecting both wisdom and merit, one attains Buddhahood and achieves ultimate happiness. Therefore, to attain Buddhahood, it is essential to understand the content of the foundation, path, and result.


      To attain the form body and truth body of a Buddha, we must practice the path, combining skillful means and wisdom. Having wandered in samsara since beginningless time, we now possess a precious human life, have encountered the Dharma, and specifically the Mahayana teachings, as well as qualified spiritual teachers. Therefore, we must seize this opportunity without delay and commit ourselves to diligent practice. We should aspire to remove all obstacles and accumulate the necessary favorable conditions for smooth progress on the path. With this purpose in mind, we seek the Jenang initiation of the Swift Wisdom Protector, and we should approach this teaching with such motivation.


      Next, we will recite the prayer requesting the permission initiation. Visualize the guru as the yidam deity and follow along. As previously explained, this is Mahayana Dharma, so we must generate the Mahayana motivation. From the earlier explanation, we must generate bodhicitta—the aspiration to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings—and recite the vow of taking the bodhisattva precepts.



      We have just recited the bodhicitta aspiration twice. After completing the third recitation, we should generate in our minds the following: If we have not previously received the bodhisattva vows, we now receive them. If we had previously taken the bodhisattva vows but they have weakened, we restore them. If we have been upholding them well, we strive to further strengthen them.


      In summary, we must generate in our hearts the resolve to benefit all sentient beings by practicing skillful meanscompassion and bodhicitta—and wisdom—the correct view of emptiness. Ultimately, this will lead us to attain perfect enlightenment, and we will engage in the practices of a bodhisattva in accordance with the Dharma. Reflect deeply on this.


      Within our minds, reflect that our mental continuum has now given rise to pure bodhicitta.


      (The empowerment process is omitted.)

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