Concise Tibetan Sanskrit English Chinese Buddhist Dictionary || 藏梵英中簡明佛教辭典


Kapalapa; 噶巴拉巴; Tibetan: ཀ་པཱ་ལ་པSanskrit: Kapālapa;  

Kapalapa, the “Skull-Bearer”, was one of the 84 Indian Vajrayana Mahasiddhas….




An epidemic fever swept the city of Rajapuri. Kapalapa’s beloved wife and his 5 sons died of the fever. Grief-stricken, he sat at the cremation ground beside what had once been his loving family. The guru Krsnacarya appeared and sat down with him to offer comfort. The poor man said that nothing was left for him as all his happiness was taken away from him. So he wished to remain there next to his family until he die too.

The yogin replied, “All beings of the three realms live under a cloud of death. This suffering has not come to you alone. But since you feel you can no longer be of use to yourself or others, why not practice a sadhana?” Kapalapa begged for his teachings and the yogin initiated him into the mandala of Hevajra. Then instructed him in the Generation and Completion stages of meditation.

The yogin carved the ornaments of the 5 Dhyani Buddhas (crown, earrings, necklace, bracelets, and belt, and the trident of the dakini) from the bones of his sons, attaching a sacred thread. Lastly, he fashioned a skull bowl from his wife’s corpse. Handing all these to Kapalapa, the yogin said, “Visualize this skull as the form of Generation meditation. See emptiness it contains as Completion meditation.”

Kapalapa meditated in this fashion for nine years until he achieved his goal. After that, he worked selflessly for others for 500 years. When the time came, he ascended into the Paradise of the Dakinis with 600 disciples.

Mahasiddha Kantalipa ||
大成就者 甘達利

84 Mahasiddhas ||
84 大成就者

Mahasiddha Khadgapa ||
大成就者 卡噶巴

Synonyms/Additional Terms 同義詞:
ཀ་པཱ་ལ་པ, 噶巴拉巴

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這是我們的中英梵藏佛教詞典系統的測試版,我們仍在增加及微調詞典的設計、結構及和功能。目前(2024 年春)有超過 3,100 藏語條目,共計超過 6,800 所有語言條目。 我們計劃將添加更多條款。請使用下面的評論區提出建議和更正,以便我們繼續改進詞彙系統以幫助用戶。您也可以點擊 “建議一個詞彙” 鏈接來建議新詞。

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