Concise Tibetan Sanskrit English Chinese Buddhist Dictionary || 藏梵英中簡明佛教辭典


Indrabhuti, Indrabodhi; 印札菩提; Tibetan: ཨིནྡྲ་བྷཱུ་ཏིSanskrit: Indrabhūti;  

Indrabhuti, the “Enlightened Siddha-King”, was one of the 84 Indian Vajrayana Mahasiddhas. There were several kings from ancient India named Indrabhuti who played key roles in the revelation and transmission of Vajrayana teachings….




Indrabuti ruled the kingdom of Sambhola, one of the two kingdoms in the land of the dakinis, Oddiyana. The sole difference between the two kingdoms was that King Indrabhuti’s family worshiped the Buddha, while King Jalendra worshiped the King Brahman. Although peace was maintained, they realized that this harmony would be strengthened profoundly if a propitious marriage unites the 2 kingdoms. So the betrothal of Princess Laksminkara, the sister of King Indrabhuti, with the son of King Jalendra took place.

When the princess was 16 years old, she was escorted to her new home. However, she had been practicing her sadhanas and was loath to enter her new duties. In fact, the moment she arrived in the unlightened kingdom of Lankapuri, a great revulsion for all the things of the world overcame her. She fled from the palace one night, and went into the mountain to live in a cave. There, she gained mahamudra-siddhi, and began teaching the Buddha’s word to King Jalendra’s latrine sweepers and the other outcastes of his kingdom.

Back in the days when Laksminkara first arrived in her new home, her outrageous behavior caused much problem. King Jalendra immediately sent messengers to King Indrabhuti to enlist his aid in reasoning with his sister. However, Indrabuthi’s response was surprising for the news of his sister made him realize and felt almost ashamed for living a life surrounded by ease and comfort. He realized while his sister understood the very mystery of existence, he merely ruled his country. The king then resolved to follow his sister’s path.

After the coronation of his son, Indrabhuti retired from the world and went to live in a small palace where he practiced his sadhanas for 12 years, secretly gaining mahamudra-siddhi.

One day, his son, accompanied by those who loved the old king dearly, came to visit the king. As they were about to enter the palace, a load voice rang out directly over their heads. Looking up, they saw Indrabhuti floating in the air, seated on a magnificent throne. The visitors prostrated to Indrabhuti, and for 7 days the king remained floating in the air, instructing his son and friends on the doctrine of “inconceivable profundity and immensity.” On the 8th day, accompanied by 700 disciples, he was assumed bodily into the Paradise of the Dakinis.

Mahasiddha Goraksha ||
大成就者 郭拉洽

84 Mahasiddhas ||
84 大成就者

Mahasiddha Jalandhara ||
大成就者 匝蘭達拉

Synonyms/Additional Terms 同義詞:
ཨིནྡྲ་བྷཱུ་ཏི, 印札菩提, Indrabodhi

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