多倫多果硕大慈普利寺 - 2025 法會
Kunphen Buddhist Centre Toronto 2025 Events

辭舊迎新春! 超薦度亡及除障祈福法會
日期:2025年1月25/26號 週六/週日。
時間:10:00AM – 4:00 PM
👉🏻請注意別錯過1月25日 (星期六)的四百供除障祈福法會事宜
相傳,帝釋天王因往昔業力,招致四魔(天子魔、煩惱魔、蘊魔、死魔)侵擾,痛苦萬分,祈請佛陀救護。 佛陀即入甚深禪定,化現廣大壇城,右手結勝施印,以四指尖勾召四魔,陳設四類供養物品,各有百種:為除天子魔故,供一百個 食子;為除蘊魔故,供一百個小擦擦(佛塔);為除煩惱魔故,供一百盞燈;為除死魔故,供一百個替身芻像等。 此即「四百供」的由來。
其後,此殊勝法門輾轉傳至聖龍猛菩薩,複由龍猛傳授予印度諸位班智達及成就者,後經佛智大譯師傳入西藏,如今已遍傳於藏傳佛教四大 教派。
欲證佛果,需斷除一切煩惱、所知二障,圓滿色、法二身之因──福德、智慧二種資糧。 即於修佛法,乃至世間資生,無不需要福德、智慧。 時值末法,五濁惡世,吾輩所遭逢之疾病、鬥諍、災厄、違緣等,亦較往昔為盛,蓋以福日薄、慧日淺,而煩惱日益熾盛故。 四百供禳解除障法,正是消除業障、增長福慧的一種殊勝法門,是因為此法依儀軌如法懺悔罪墮業障,且上供十方諸佛、本尊、菩薩、空行、 護法,下施六道眾生、冤親債主及邪魔鬼魅,可令四賓悅足,四魔調伏。 詳言之:化解冤親債主牽纏,對治惡符咒詛傷害,制退盜賊怨敵、邪魔鬼祟侵害,消除種種非時橫死、天災、疾疫及其他一切違緣障礙,令正法、吉祥得以增盛 廣大,並可增長福德、智慧,堪為獲得增上生及決定善之助伴。
【1】請以個人為單位,剪下少許:指甲屑, 頭髮, 一小片貼身平時常穿的衣服一角,加硬幣一枚一起裝入一個紅色或白色紙袋,切勿用夾子袋(切勿 用密封塑膠袋)
👉🏻請別錯過1月26日 星期日舉辦大威德超薦度亡法會

【聖救度母四供曼達 】新春聚福善緣滿願大法會
度母是慈悲 觀世音菩薩的化身,救度眾生無比地迅速,堪稱為一切諸佛事業的總集體,具足一切息增懷誅的功德,能滿眾生一切心願。度母同時也是大無畏的勇者,摧滅魔擾特別勇猛,加持力迅速超勝。
農曆新年大年初一。 西曆1月29號( 星期三 )
早上9:00 AM – 4:00 PM。 主修聖救度母四供曼達,特別向聖救度母祈請平息障害,平安順利六時吉祥!
度母慈悲眾生,只要誠心祈請 ,善願必定能成!
(早上 9:00 AM)
請大家提早 15分鐘到寺院恭迎仁波切。
《如意珍寶》 法會
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

長週末週一 2月17日
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
焰網莊嚴琉璃光 十二大願妙難量
如來聖號若稱揚 消災延壽慶吉祥
40 Pritchard Ave, Toronto
Medicine Buddha Puja For Disaster Relief and Longevity
Long weekend Monday, Feb 17 2025,
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Temple provides vegetarian lunch
Please fill in the form below to register for lunch. Sponsorship and donation are welcome, please e-transfer to: kunphen.canada@gmail.com
The radiant net adorns the Lapis Lazuli Light,
Twelve great vows, profound and immeasurable.
By chanting the Holy Name of the Tathāgata,
Calamities dissolve, life extends, and blessings arise.
Medicine Buddha, the King of Great Vows, has made profound aspirations to fulfill the wishes of all sentient beings. He once declared: “May I bring peace and benefit to all who suffer.”
With sincere devotion, those who recite, venerate, and make offerings to the Medicine Buddha will receive immense blessings in this life—disaster relief, liberation from misfortunes, increased merit and longevity, physical and mental well-being, and the fulfillment of wishes. Moreover, this practice extends blessings into future lives, guiding beings toward rebirth in virtuous realms or even the Pure Land of the West. Additionally, the Twelve Yaksha Generals have vowed to offer unwavering protection, ensuring peace, safety, and freedom from illness and suffering.
Tashi Delek!
Kunphen Buddhist Centre, 40 Pritchard Ave, Toronto

果碩仁波切–大乘長淨戒開示: https://www.gosokrinpoche.com/zh-hant/mahayana-precepts-teaching/
Gosok Rinpoche: Mahayana Presepts Teaching: https://www.gosokrinpoche.com/mahayana-precepts-teaching/

To celebrate the Tibetan New Year and Monlam Chenmo, we have completed the English translation of Gosok Rinpoche’s 7 point Mind Training Teaching in Nepal during 2021 Monlam Chenmo:
為了慶祝藏歷新年和祈願大法會,我們完成了怙主果碩仁波切 – 修心七義開示 (尼泊爾 2021年) 的英文翻譯:

相傳,帝釋天王因往昔業力,招致四魔(天子魔、煩惱魔、蘊魔、死魔)侵擾,痛苦萬分,祈請佛陀救護。 佛陀即入甚深禪定,化現廣大壇城,右手結勝施印,以四指尖勾召四魔,陳設四類供養物品,各有百種:
- 為除天子魔故,供一百個 食子;白色東方
- 為除蘊魔故,供一百個小擦擦(佛塔);黃色南方
- 為除煩惱魔故,供一百盞燈;紅色西方
- 為除死魔故,供一百個替身芻像等。黑色北方
此即「四百供」的由來。其後,此殊勝法門輾轉傳至聖龍猛 (龍樹) 菩薩,複由龍猛傳授予印度諸位班智達及成就者,後經佛智大譯師傳入西藏,如今已遍傳於藏傳佛教四大教派。
欲證佛果,需斷除一切煩惱、所知二障,圓滿色、法二身之因──福德、智慧二種資糧。 即於修佛法,乃至世間資生,無不需要福德、智慧。
四百供禳解除障法,正是消除業障、增長福慧的一種殊勝法門,是因為此法依儀軌如法懺悔罪墮業障,且上供十方諸佛、本尊、菩薩、空行、 護法,下施六道眾生、冤親債主及邪魔鬼魅,可令四賓悅足,四魔調伏。
詳言之:化解冤親債主牽纏,對治惡符咒詛傷害,制退盜賊怨敵、邪魔鬼祟侵害,消除種種非時橫死、天災、疾疫及其他一切違緣障礙,令正法、吉祥得以增盛 廣大,並可增長福德、智慧,堪為獲得增上生及決定善之助伴。
【1】請以個人為單位,剪下少許:指甲屑, 頭髮, 一小片貼身平時常穿的衣服一角,加硬幣一枚一起裝入一個紅色或白色紙袋,切勿用夾子袋(切勿 用密封塑膠袋)
The Origin and Benefits of the Four Hundred Offerings Practice
The Four Hundred Offerings practice is a profound method for purifying negative karma, removing obstacles, and accumulating merit and wisdom. It subdues the four maras, leading to the flourishing of the Dharma, the elimination of adversities, and the enhancement of spiritual and worldly well-being. This practice serves as a powerful support for attaining both temporary happiness and ultimate enlightenment.
(1) Origin of 400 offerings
It is said that Shakra (Indra), the King of the Gods, due to past karmic forces, was tormented by the four Maras (the demon of the devas, the demon of afflictions, the demon of the aggregates, and the demon of death), causing him immense suffering. He prayed to the Buddha for salvation. The Buddha then entered a profound meditative state and manifested an expansive mandala. With his right hand forming the gesture of supreme generosity, he used the tips of his four fingers to summon the four demons. He arranged four types of offerings, each consisting of one hundred items:
- To eliminate the demon of the devas, he offered one hundred tormas (ritual food offerings), white colour East direction.
- To eliminate the demon of the aggregates, he offered one hundred small clay stupas (tsa-tsas ), colour yellow South direction
- To eliminate the demon of afflictions, he offered one hundred butter lamps, red colour west direction.
- To eliminate the demon of death, he offered one hundred human form effigies (substitute figures). Black colour north direction
This is the origin of the “Four Hundred Offerings.” Later, this extraordinary practice was transmitted to the great sage Nagarjuna, who passed it on to various Indian pandits and accomplished practitioners. It was subsequently brought to Tibet by the great translator Buddhisri and has since spread widely across the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism.
(2) Merits and Benefits of 400 offerings:
To attain Buddhahood, one must eliminate all afflictive and cognitive obscurations and perfect the causes for achieving the two bodies of a Buddha—the form body (Rupakaya) and the truth body (Dharmakaya)—which are the two accumulations of merit and wisdom. Whether practicing the Dharma or engaging in worldly activities, both require merit and wisdom.
In this degenerate age, plagued by the five corruptions, the diseases, conflicts, calamities, and obstacles we face are more severe than ever before. This is because our merit is diminishing, our wisdom is shallow, and our afflictions are growing increasingly intense.
The Four Hundred Offerings practice is a powerful method for purifying negative karma, eliminating obstacles, and increasing merit and wisdom. Through this practice, one follows the prescribed ritual to sincerely repent of negativities and karmic obscurations. The offerings are made to the Buddhas of the ten directions, yidams, bodhisattvas, dakinis, and protectors above, while below, they are dedicated to sentient beings of the six realms, karmic creditors, and malevolent spirits. This satisfies all four classes of guests and subdues the four demons.
Specifically, the benefits include:
- Resolving karmic entanglements with creditors and enemies.
- Countering harm caused by malicious spells and curses.
- Repelling thieves, enemies, and malevolent spirits.
- Preventing untimely deaths, natural disasters, epidemics, and other adversities.
- Promoting the flourishing of the Dharma and auspiciousness.
- Increasing merit and wisdom, thereby supporting the attainment of higher rebirths and ultimate spiritual goals.