SiChaun Gala Xiang Monastery Reconstruction 2017

Gala Monastery Reconstruction News The monastery is located in SiChuan province, Yajiang county, Gala Village, 14 km from Yajiang town. The original building was constructed over 90 years ago. It had two storeys, Inside, there were 3 very exquisite statues of Avalokitesvara, Manjurshri and Vajrapani. After being destroyed during the cultural revolution, it was reconstructed in 1995. […]

H.E. Gosok Rinpoche appointed the Jangtse Choje

H.E. Gosok Rinpoche has been appointed the Jangtse Choje (second-in-line to the Gaden Tripa – Supreme Head of the Gelukpa Order of Tibetan Buddhism) by His Holiness. May all the benevolent and altruistic activities of Rinpoche come into fruition flawlessly. August 28  in Drepung Monastery. August 27   Inauguration ceremony at Ganden Monastery Kham Golok (Gönsar) Monastery Celebration […]

Gosok Rinpoche Toronto 2017

Previous Next 1) Saturday April 29 Yamantaka Fire Puja at the Tibetan Culture Centre. Address 40 Titan Road, Toronto ON M8Z 2J8 Starting at 9am to 15:30pm      Vegetarian lunch will be served  2) On May 6th (Saturday) and on May 7 (Sunday) Kyabje Gosok Rinpoche to lead reciting 21 green tara and 35 buddha practice sessions on both days. Practice session starts at […]