Jangtse Choje Kyabje Gosok Rinpoche Toronto 2024 || 無等北頂法王怙主果碩仁波切 多倫多 2024


2024 Toronto Empowerments and Teachings

🔸金剛薩埵隨許灌頂   多倫多時間 4/27 週六  10:00 am   北京/台灣直播時間 4/27 週六 晚  22:00
Vajrasattva Initiation  Apr-27, 10am

🔸白度母長壽灌頂  多倫多時間 4/28 週日  11:00am   多倫多西藏文化中心 40 Titan Road, Toronto
White Tara Longlife Initiation, Apr 28, 11am, TCCC 40 Titan Road

🔸上師薈供講解(前三日) 上師薈供(第四日)  多倫多時間 4/30 週二 ~ 5/3 週五  7:30 pm
Lama Chopa Teaching, Apr 30-May 3, 730pm

🔸藥師佛隨許灌頂藥師佛千佛開光   多倫多時間 5/4 週六  10:00 am
Medicine Buddha Initiation, May 4, 10am

🔸綠度母隨許灌頂暨浴佛法會   多倫多時間 5/5 週日 10:00 am
Green Tara Initiation, May 5

🔸綠度母五日精進修行   5/6 週一 ~ 5/10 週五  7:30 pm
Green Tara 5 day Prayers, May 5-10, 730pm

多倫多時間  5/11 週六 1:00 pm
Solitary Yamantaka Empowerment May 11, 1pm

多倫多時間 5/12 週日 1:00 pm
Vajrayogini Empowerment, May 12, 1pm

Yamantaka and Vajrayogini are Anuttarayoga with the following daily practice requirements: Six Session Guru Yoga, Yamantaka and Vajrayogini short Sadhana.
If you have not received any Anuttarayoga empowerments before, you must complete the entire Yamantaka empowerment before participating in the Vajrayogini empowerment on the second day.