Kotalipa, the “Peasant Guru”, was one of the 84 Indian Vajrayana Mahasiddhas….
多希巴以墾山為生。當賢諦巴尊者從辛哈拉返回毘克拉瑪希拉時,正巧路過多希巴所在的山區。此時多希巴正在挖山,賢諦巴便教授他密法,以此教法挖掘內心的山, 於是多希巴就依照上師的指導,修行十二年終獲即身成就,獲得空行母及天王供養。
Kotalipa is a peasant ploughing land in the mountain. His village people had been driven from home due to the ongoing battles between the kings. They came to a mountain to seek safety and to make a living out of it.
One day, as Kotalipa was working the land, the master Santipa met him while he was on his way back to Magadha from Sri Lanka. The master asked Kotalipa about his life and Kotalipa relayed it to the master. The master had a relevant mantra for Kotalipa in mind. Santipa questioned him if he was willing to practice the mantra for digging mountains. Kotalipa agreed to practice it and was taught the mantra.
Kotalipa was given an interpretation of the Mahayana practice of the six perfections to contemplate on as long as he was ploughing the land. Moreover, Kotalipa was given explicit instructions regarding Guru devotion. Kotalipa meditated on the nature of the mind for twelve years before he attained siddhi. He too, performed various selfless acts and he obtained the Dakini’s Paradise eventually.
Mahasiddha Kokilipa ||
大成就者 郭噶利巴
84 Mahasiddhas ||
84 大成就者
Mahasiddha Kuchipa ||
大成就者 故吉巴