Concise Tibetan Sanskrit English Chinese Buddhist Dictionary || 藏梵英中簡明佛教辭典


World of the Four Great Kings; 天王天; Tibetan: རྒྱལ་ཆེནབཞི;  Wylie: rgyal chen bzhi; Sanskrit: Cātummahārājika;

The World of the Four Great Kings is on the lower slopes of Mount Sumeru. The four Great Kings are the rulers of this Heaven.

The beings of this world are 750 feet (230 m) tall and live for 9,000,000 years (according to Sarvastivada tradition) or 90,000 years (according to Vibhajyavada tradition). The height of this world is from sea level up to 40 yojanas above the Earth.

天王天,位於須彌山腰,40 由旬高,未離開大地,屬於欲界六欲天地居天。東方持國天王、南方增長天王、西方廣目天王、北方多聞天王四大天王統轄夜叉多福鬼、仙人等。

天王天人身量為1/4俱盧舍(約1公里),以人間50歲為一晝夜,定壽500歲 (人間 9,000,000年)。男女形交,同於世人,而不洩精。

Synonyms/Additional Terms 同義詞:
四天王天, Catummaharajika. World of the Four Great Kings

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