
བོད་ཡིག་ | Tibetan Text | 藏文; 中文 | Chinese Text; English Text | 英文; Tiếng Việt | Vietnamese | 越南文.

བོད Tibetan || 藏語

中文 || Chinese

藏曆十月二十五日乃文殊怙主宗喀巴大師為利他故示現圓寂重要紀念日,如同歷年在此節日,一般藏人、特別是格魯法脈所有傳承者,舉行「甘丹五供節 」於諸佛菩薩海會作廣大供養祈願之善規一樣,此之尼泊爾果碩圓滿法洲寺亦訂於藏族十月二十四至二十六日三天,禮請文殊怙主聖教明燈無等將孜曲傑吉祥賢違主果碩金剛持主持法會,帶領寺院全體僧眾依次修誦《甚深妙道上師薈供供養法》、宗大師法語《辯了不了義善說藏論》、《宗喀巴大師秘密傳記》、《緣起讚》等、盡其所能圓滿祈願,並於會中進行《辯了不了義善說藏論》立宗答辯。勸請希求此義諸信眾能憶念文殊怙主至尊宗喀巴大師依「講說、辯論、著述三者」及「善巧、戒嚴、賢善三者」廣行利益聖教與眾生諸殊勝功德, 以計謂具足極大加持力《緣悲讚》祈請文(密澤瑪)為主趣入於善,望請銘記於心,應知總別福德增長之一切方便,皆由勤勉所有善行而得,特此公告。
English || 英文

To all the clergy and lay people who are endowed with an excellent unwavering faith,
The 25th day of the 10th lunar month of the Tibetan calendar (December 29th) is a very important day for it is the day when we commemorate the Nirvana of the Master Protector Manjushri, The Great Je Tsongkhapa.
Each year during this period, it is traditional for the Tibetans, especially among those who maintain the Teachings of the Gelugpa, to celebrate the Great Ganden Nacho during which recitations are performed while offerings are presented to assemblies of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas as vast as oceans.
In conformity with this excellent tradition, this year, during three days (from the 24th to the 26th of the 10th lunar month, that is from December 28th to 30th), the Monastery of Gosok Phuntsok Choekyiling in Nepal will organize huge ceremonies under the direction of the Excellent Jangtse Choje Kyabje Gosok Dorje Chang Pélsangpo Tchok, who is the incomparable Lamp illuminating the Teaching of the Protector Manjushri Je Tsongkhapa.
During these ceremonies gathering the whole monastic community, extensive prayers will be performed, particularly the Tsok of Lama Chopa, The Secret Biography of Je Tsongkhapa as well as the Essence of Excellent Speech distinguishing definitive and literal meanings and the Praise of interdependent production both composed by Je Tsongkhapa. Beside these sessions of extensive prayers, the monks will make offerings of 1000 butter lamps and will hold philosophical debates on the Essence of Excellent Speech distinguishing definitive and literal meanings.
On this occasion, we invite all the faithful wishing to do so to engage in the accomplishment of virtuous deeds. Through his explanations, his debates and his compositions, and through his erudition, his ethics and his kindness, the Protector Manjushri Je Tsongkhapa has greatly benefited the Teaching and sentient beings. While recollecting all his incredible qualities, the faithful may for example endeavor to accumulate the recitation of Migtsema, a prayer of request which is endowed with a great power of benedictions.
Please carefully consider this announcement on the importance of earnestly applying oneself as much as one can to the accumulation of virtuous actions, which is the method to increase merits be they general or particular.
Office of Gosok Phuntsok Choekyiling, in Nepal, the 20th of December 2021.
Tiếng Việt Vietnamese || 越南文
Français || 法文