Ullambana; 孟蘭盆;
Hungry Ghost Month, Hungry Ghost Festival, less commonly known in Western cultures, is celebrated in the 7th month of the lunar calendar with its roots cited in the Ullambana Sutra. It is a month of merit accumulation, with immense opportunities to practice the dana (generosity) paramita.
The Ullambana Sutra is a Mahayana sutra concerning filial piety. It records an event in which Maudgalyayana, one of the Buddha’s closest disciples, found that his mother has been reborn in the preta realm, and the way he was able to save her with the assistance of the Buddha and the blessing of the Sangha. Filial piety is not only an Asian cultural tradition; its spirit is very much related to supreme Bodhicitta, which is indispensable for attaining enlightenment and being able to truly benefit other beings. Practicing filial piety is crucial to the ability to generate and stabilize Bodhicitta.
孝親報恩孟蘭盆會 又名佛歡喜日,念誦藥師佛超薦法會,超度於疫情中逝者、水災、火災、地震及陣亡將士先靈亡者以及今生父母各姓門中歷代祖先,暨各人累劫寃親 債主、墮胎嬰靈、六道無祀孤魂等眾,七世父母之恩!