Nirmanarati; 化樂天; Sanskrit: Nirmāṇarati;
Nirmanarati is the fifth of the Six Heavens of the Desire Realm. These devas are known as « delighting in their creations ». They are able to make any appearance to please themselves. The lord of this world is called Sunirmita. According to Sarvastivada tradition, the beings of this world are 3,750 feet (1,140 m) tall. They live for 8,000 years or 2,304,000,000 human years with each day here 800 human years. The height of this world is 640 yojanas above the Earth.
化樂天一晝夜合人間 800年,此天人的壽命為八千歲,合人間 23億400萬年。化樂天人身長 1又1/4俱盧舍,身具光亮。男女互相熟視或相向而笑即完成情愛之事。新生天子自膝上化生,生下即如人間十二歲之孩童一般大。