Concise Tibetan Sanskrit English Chinese Buddhist Dictionary || 藏梵英中簡明佛教辭典


Manibhadra; 瑪尼巴札; Tibetan: མ་ཎི་བྷ་དྲཱSanskrit: Maṇibhadrā;  

Manibhadra, the « Happy Housewife », was one of the 84 Indian Vajrayana Mahasiddhas….

瑪尼巴札, »家庭主婦 »,是古印度金剛乘八十四大成就者之一….



Manibhadra was the daughter of a wealthy family in Agarce. As was their custom, she was betrothed at the age of 13 to a man of her own caste. She lived with her parents until old enough to take up her wifely duties. One day, while in her mother’s kitchen, the guru Kukkuripa came to her house begging for food. She welcomed him and served him with her own hands. She then asked why he chose to be as he is now and not lead a comfortable life with a family. At that, the yogin laughed and explained the precious human birth as an opportunity to make spiritual progress and to free himself from the wheel of rebirth. Manibhadra’s faith was kindled and her trust of the yogin made her beg for him to show her the way to liberation. The yogin told her she could find him in the cremation grounds if she wanted more information, which was what she did that night.

Although she had never gone out alone at night, she walked fearlessly through the streets to the cremation ground.  When she came upon the yogin’s hut, he welcomed her in. Recognizing the maturity of her mind and her sincerity, he gave her initiation and empowerment. Then he instructed her in the practice of Generation and Completion meditation. She remained in his hut alone for 7 days while she established herself in the practice of her sadhanas.

When she was no where to be found, her family grew frantic. When she finally returned, her parents beat her. With great calm, she defended herself stating that pure bloodline and fine reputation would not free her from samsara. She said she had been with her guru, who taught her how to practice a sadhana of liberation. At that, her parents were so impressed that they didn’t argue any further. On top of that, they allowed her to practice her sadhanas single-pointedly.

A year passed and it was time for her fiancé to claim his bride. The family was worried she would not fulfill her obligations. But she accompanied her husband to her new home with no complaint or resistance. She became a model wife, doing all and more than what was expected of her with a good attitude. In time, she gave birth to a son, and later, a daughter.

Twelve years passed in perfect harmony, and on the 13th anniversary of meeting with her guru, a tree root tripped her, causing her to break the water pitcher she was carrying. For the rest of the day, she was nowhere to be seen. Her family searched for her and eventually found her at the place she fell. When her husband spoke to her, she seemed totally unaware of his presence. She only had her eyes fixed on the broken bits of the pitcher.

Manibhadra remained immobile and silent until nightfall. Then she looked up, surprised to see so many people gathered around her. She then sang a song of realization:

From the beginning of time, sentient beings
Have broken their vessels, and their lives end.
But why do they then return home?
Today, I have broken my vessel.
But I am abandoning my samsara home
For the realms of pure pleasure.
How wonderful is the guru
If you desire happiness, rely on him.

Manibhadra levitated into the sky and remained there for 21 days, giving instruction to the people of Agarce. Then she bid farewell to her family and friends. She was assumed bodily into the Paradise of the Dakinis.

Mahasiddha Mahipa ||
大成就者 瑪希巴

84 Mahasiddhas ||
84 大成就者

Mahasiddha Medhini ||
大成就者 美狄納

Synonyms/Additional Terms 同義詞:
མ་ཎི་བྷ་དྲཱ, 瑪尼巴札

This is an beta (testing) version of our Chinese / English / Sanskrit / Tibetan Buddhism popup dictionary system. We are still in the process of fine tuning the structure and layout of the system and resolving some minor issues. As of spring of 2024, there are over 3,100 Tibetan terms and over 6,800 entries in all languages. We plan to add a lot more terms throughout 2024 and beyond.  Please use the Comments/Reply section below to make suggestions and corrections so we can continue to improve the system. You may also suggest new terms by clicking the « Suggest a term » link.

這是我們的中英梵藏佛教詞典系統的測試版,我們仍在增加及微調詞典的設計、結構及和功能。目前(2024 年春)有超過 3,100 藏語條目,共計超過 6,800 所有語言條目。 我們計劃將添加更多條款。請使用下面的評論區提出建議和更正,以便我們繼續改進詞彙系統以幫助用戶。您也可以點擊 “建議一個詞彙” 鏈接來建議新詞。

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