Ajogi, the « Rejected Wastrel », was one of the 84 Indian Vajrayana Mahasiddhas….
阿佐奇, »懶人 »,是古印度金剛乘八十四大成就者之一….
Ajogi was fat and lazy. Lying down was all he did. Due to this, his family eventually chased him out of the house. He then came to a cemetery. There he met a yogin while he was lying down. When the yogin saw Ajogi, he gave the young man food and drinks that he obtained from the city. But Ajogi would not get up even to eat.
Looking at Ajogi’s laziness, the yogin asked if he could practice the Dharma while lying down. In reply, Ajogi said he could, but doubted anyone would teach a person like him the Dharma. However, the kind yogin gave him the initiation of Hevajra, with instructions to meditate on the Upper Doors, meditate condensing the three world systems into a drop, the size of a white mustard seen on the tip of the nose.
Ajogi meditated this way for nine years. He obtained the siddhi of Mahamudra. After working for the benefit of living beings, he went in this very body to the land of the Dakas.
Mahasiddha Acinta ||
大成就者 阿金達
84 Mahasiddhas ||
84 大成就者
Mahasiddha Anangapa ||
大成就者 阿南果