Yamantaka Fire Puja Teaching 2010

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      Taking Refuge



      First, please visualize in the space before you an infinite assembly of Buddhas and bodhisattvas, with Shakyamuni Buddha as the principal deity. Then, contemplate that the essence of samsara is suffering. Even if there is temporary happiness, it constantly changes and eventually perishes, ultimately leading back to suffering. Among all forms of suffering, the pain of the three lower realms is especially fearsome. In order to be liberated from boundless suffering and attain ultimate happiness, we must rely on a refuge who possesses the ability to save sentient beings from the ocean of samsaric suffering.


      Only the teacher of gods and humans—the Buddha, the Dharma taught by the Buddha, and the noble Sangha who correctly expound the Dharma—can save sentient beings from the ocean of samsaric suffering, becoming the supreme field of merit for us to rely upon.


      All of you should generate pure faith in the Three Jewels—the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha—and request the Three Jewels to accept our refuge. Furthermore, make the vow to abandon negative actions and practice virtuous deeds, following the altruistic conduct of the Buddhas and bodhisattvas. With this motivation, the blessings of the guru and the Three Jewels will naturally and unobstructedly enter our mental continuum. As the saying goes, “When there is water in a thousand rivers, there will be a moon reflected in each.” As long as the water is clear and still, it can reflect the bright moon in the sky.


      After taking refuge in the Buddha, one should pay respect to all statues or images of Buddhas and bodhisattvas, regardless of the material they are made from. You should regard them as the true bodies of the Buddhas and bodhisattvas. Moreover, one should not take refuge in deities of other religions, because these deities themselves have not yet been liberated from samsara, let alone being able to save other sentient beings.


      After taking refuge in the Dharma, one should strive to engage in activities that benefit sentient beings and avoid actions that harm others, especially killing. After taking refuge in the Sangha, one should frequently associate with spiritual friends, continuously receive the influence of the Dharma, and avoid close association with those who hold wrong views or deny cause and effect.


      All of you should recite the fourfold refuge (“I take refuge in the guru, I take refuge in the Buddha, I take refuge in the Dharma, I take refuge in the Sangha”) at least three times every morning and evening. If time permits, one should aim to complete 108,000 recitations. If a practitioner can maintain pure faith in the Three Jewels throughout their life, at the time of death they will be able to remember the Three Jewels and thereby be reborn in a fortunate realm.


      Next, the guru gives the oral transmission of the six-syllable mantra and the Tara heart mantra. (The mantras are omitted here.)

      Preliminary Teachings for the Vajrabhairava Purification and Merit Accumulation Fire Offering Ritual



      All of you have taken time out of your busy schedules to attend this Dharma assembly. This opportunity is truly rare and precious. Since you have made the aspiration to participate in this assembly, it is important to ensure that your participation yields meaningful results, transforming the assembly into a genuine practice rather than merely attending an event.


      How can we transform the Dharma assembly into a genuine practice? First, we must correct our motivation. Our participation in the assembly should not stem from a desire for temporary happiness in this life but from the aspiration to abandon attachment to this life and future lives.


      Since the essence of samsara is suffering and no ultimate happiness can be found within it, using our precious human life to chase after illusory fame and gain is not wise. Only by abandoning attachment to this life and future lives can all our virtuous actions become pure practices, enabling us to truly achieve the goal of liberation from suffering and attainment of happiness.


      Moreover, we must reflect that all sentient beings desire happiness and wish to avoid suffering. However, due to being led astray by ignorance, they continuously create negative causes that lead to suffering, causing their pain to increase. Therefore, we must generate the aspiration to benefit other sentient beings.


      However, although we may have the wish to benefit sentient beings, we lack the perfect wisdom and merit necessary to actually accomplish this. Only the great teacher of gods and humans—the Buddha—possesses the complete ability to free sentient beings from suffering and lead them to happiness. Even tenth-ground bodhisattvas, though endowed with inconceivable virtues, have not yet fully perfected their ability to save sentient beings. Therefore, we must generate the bodhicitta aspiration: “For the sake of benefiting sentient beings, I vow to attain Buddhahood.” With this supreme motivation, we must diligently practice, aspiring to quickly realize the perfect state of Buddhahood and thereby gain the ability to benefit all sentient beings.


      All the suffering of samsara arises from the karma and afflictions present in the mental continuum of sentient beings. The hardships faced by sentient beings are the concrete manifestations of karma and afflictions. The root cause of karma and afflictions is ignorance. Ignorance refers to sentient beings’ inability to correctly recognize the truth that all phenomena lack inherent existence—they arise through dependent origination and are not permanent or inherently real. Among these, the primary form of clinging is self-grasping.


      Because sentient beings possess the habitual tendency of self-grasping, they develop attachment to what they like and aversion to what they dislike, thus falling into a vicious cycle of creating negative karma and experiencing suffering. Self-grasping is the greatest enemy of practitioners and must be countered with focused effort. To eliminate self-grasping, one must realize emptiness.


      Among the Buddhas and bodhisattvas, the yidam corresponding to the wisdom of emptiness is Manjushri. Manjushri embodies the collective wisdom of all the Buddhas, and meditating on him as one’s yidam is the most effective way to swiftly eliminate self-grasping. Vajrabhairava is the extremely wrathful manifestation of Manjushri. The wrathful aspect of the yidam specifically targets the self-grasping tendencies in the mental continuum of sentient beings. In order to subdue the habitual tendencies of self-grasping, the yidam appears in this fierce form.


      Vajrabhairava is a yidam of the Anuttarayoga Tantra, renowned for the practice of the five yogas unique to his tantra. These five yogas are a distinctive feature of the Vajrabhairava Tantra. Practitioners who are fortunate enough to participate in the Vajrabhairava fire offering ceremony must generate the aspiration to purify their own and all sentient beings’ habitual tendencies of self-grasping, as well as the karma and afflictions arising from them.


      We can visualize our own and others’ karma and afflictions merging into the offerings of the assembly. Through the blessings of the guru, who is inseparable from the yidam, the offerings are transformed into nectar and then offered to the yidam in the mandala. Above the yidam’s mandala are infinite mandalas of Buddhas and bodhisattvas, while around and below the mandala are countless non-human beings. After offering to the yidam in the mandala, practitioners proceed to offer to the Buddhas, bodhisattvas, and limitless sentient beings, bringing joy to the yidam and the Buddhas and bodhisattvas. Through the blessings of this wisdom nectar, sentient beings can be freed from suffering, attain happiness, and be reborn in fortunate realms.


      Through such visualization, both oneself and all sentient beings can simultaneously purify negativities and accumulate merit, integrating the Dharma assembly with personal practice. Thus, your participation in this assembly will surely not be in vain.


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