Gosok Ladang 2012

Committe 2012-2013 Painting Street Sign Teachers Preparation For Great Debate Examination result announcement

甘丹聖教增廣願文講解 || Teaching on Aspiration Prayer for the Flourishing of Ganden Teachings

Teaching on Aspiration Prayer for the Flourishing of Ganden Teachings 《甘丹聖教增廣願文》講解 請點這裡進入 “甘丹聖教增廣願文講解” 中文頁面 Please click here for the Chinese Version Aspiration Prayer for the Flourishing of the Noble Gandan Tradition甘丹聖教增廣願文 Jangtse Choje Kyabje Gosok Rinpoche Teaching onAspiration Prayer for the Flourishing of Ganden Teachings 2012-12-08 Today is the Lamp Offering Day of our master […]