Kilakilapa, the “Exiled Loud-Mouth”, was one of the 84 Indian Vajrayana Mahasiddhas….
噶拉噶巴是出身於比利阿的低種姓人家。因過去業力之故,噶拉噶巴非常饒舌,受鎮上的人厭惡排斥。因此跑到墓地居住,巧遇一瑜珈士,授以密集金剛灌頂, 了達自己的聲音與外界的聲音,其本質是無有分別的空性。之後證得大手印,以噶拉噶巴之名聞名。之後噶拉噶巴為具德眾生宣說修行歷程後,與三百隨從進入勇父淨土。 (維基百科)
Kalakala was born into a low caste family and was very talkative due to his previous karma. The town people disliked him and therefore ostracized him, leading him to feel rejected. He finally went to live in a cemetery.
There, a yogin came along and Kalakala shared his story. After listening to his tale, the yogin asked if he would like to use a method of liberation from the misery of the world. When Kalakala indicated that he would, the yogin initiated him into the Guhyasamaja tantra and gave him instructions.
Following instructions, Kalakala meditated and lost the sound of other people’s anger in the sound of his own voice. His own voice was lost in a rain of flowers. He lost the idea of flowers in the emptiness of the sky. Through this he gained the siddhi of Mahamudra. Kalakala worked for the benefit of many living beings. With 300 followers, he went to the realm of the Dakas.
Mahasiddha Khadgapa ||
大成就者 卡噶巴
84 Mahasiddhas ||
84 大成就者
Mahasiddha Kirapalapa ||
大成就者 奇拉巴拉