Concise Tibetan Sanskrit English Chinese Buddhist Dictionary || 藏梵英中簡明佛教辭典


Jalandhara; 匝蘭達拉; Tibetan: ཛཱ་ལནྡྷ་ར་པSanskrit: Jālandhara;  

Jalandhara, the “Dakini’s Chosen One”, was one of the 84 Indian Vajrayana Mahasiddhas….




在納特瑜珈系統中,他則是出生於低種性的家庭,他的上師是堪巴拉。一日聽見上天的聲音,指示他前往烏地壓納禪修方可達到圓滿境地,並在該處受到國王印札菩提、公主拉倩噶拉以及阿闍黎卡卡巴達 (Kackapāda) 教授密續,經過十天禪定,開啟了通往上樂金剛壇城以及獲得空行母灌頂,證得大手印成就。他後來在匝蘭達拉一個水石之間出火處廣行利生,也因此他被稱為匝蘭達拉尊者。(維基百科)

Jalandhara was a Brahmin from Turkhara City who was of great spirituality. The more refined his consciousness became, the more disgusted he was for the life he saw around him. At last, he left everything behind and went to live in a cremation ground.

There, he sat under a tree and began to meditate. Soon, he was absorbed into a blissful state in which he heard a dakini speaking to him from the skies. When she spoke to him, he was overjoyed and prayed to his dakini-guru until she manifested before him. She gave him the Hevajra initiation and empowerment, with instructions to gather all perceptions and place them in the subtle planes of body, speech and mind. She further instructed him to meditate upon the indivisibility of appearances and emptiness.

Jalandhara meditated for 7 years according to the instructions. At last he gained mahamudra-siddhi. Many years later, after working selflessly for untold beings, he was assumed bodily into the Paradise of the Dakinis with 300 disciples.

Mahasiddha Indrabhuti ||
大成就者 印札菩提

84 Mahasiddhas ||
84 大成就者

Mahasiddha Jayananda ||
大成就者 匝雅南達

Synonyms/Additional Terms 同義詞:
ཛཱ་ལནྡྷ་ར་པ, 匝蘭達拉

This is an beta (testing) version of our Chinese / English / Sanskrit / Tibetan Buddhism popup dictionary system. We are still in the process of fine tuning the structure and layout of the system and resolving some minor issues. As of spring of 2024, there are over 3,100 Tibetan terms and over 6,800 entries in all languages. We plan to add a lot more terms throughout 2024 and beyond.  Please use the Comments/Reply section below to make suggestions and corrections so we can continue to improve the system. You may also suggest new terms by clicking the “Suggest a term” link.

這是我們的中英梵藏佛教詞典系統的測試版,我們仍在增加及微調詞典的設計、結構及和功能。目前(2024 年春)有超過 3,100 藏語條目,共計超過 6,800 所有語言條目。 我們計劃將添加更多條款。請使用下面的評論區提出建議和更正,以便我們繼續改進詞彙系統以幫助用戶。您也可以點擊 “建議一個詞彙” 鏈接來建議新詞。

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