Manjushri Namasamgiti
A Concert of Names of Manjushri
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བོད་ཡིག་ | Tibetan Text | 藏文, 中文 | Chinese Text, English Text | 英文, Tiếng Việt | Vietnamese | 越南文.
Table of Contents || 目錄
- ཞུ་བ་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་བཅུ་དྲུག 祝禱十六伽陀 Sixteen Verses on Requesting Instruction
- ཞུས་ལན་ཚིགས་བཅད་དྲུག 答語六伽陀 Six Verses in Reply
- རིགས་དྲུག་ལ་གཟིགས་པ་ལ་ཚིག་བཅད་གཉིས 觀察六種二伽陀 Two Verses of Beholding the Six Buddha-Families
- སྒྱུ་འཕྲུལ་དྲྭ་བ་མངོན་པར་རྫོགས་པའི་བྱང་ཆུབ་པའི་རིམ་པ་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་གསུམ། 依幻化網現圓滿菩提次第之三伽陀 Three Verses on the Steps of Manifest Enlightenment by Means of Illusion’s Net
- རྡོ་རྗེ་དབྱིངས་ཀྱི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་ཆེན་པོ་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་བཅུ་བཞི། 金剛心大壇城十四伽陀 Fourteen Verses on the Great Mandala of the Vajra Sphere
- ཤིན་ཏུ་རྣམ་པར་དག་པ་ཆོས་དཋིངས་ཡེ་ཤེས་ཤི་ཚིགས་བཅད་རྐང་པས་དམན་པ་ཉི་ཤུ་རྩ་ལྔ། 最清淨法界體性智,少一句二十五伽陀 Twenty-five Verses, Less a Quarter, on the Deep Awareness of the Totally Pure Sphere of Reality
- མེ་ལོང་ལྟ་བུའི་ཡེ་ཤེས་ཀྱི་སྒོ་ནས་བསྟོད་པ་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་བཅུ། 大圆鏡智十伽陀 Ten Verses, Plus a Quarter, Praising Mirror-like Deep Awareness
- སོ་སོར་རྟོག་པའི་ཡ་ཤེེས་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་ཞེ་བཅུ་ཞེ་གཉིས། 妙觀察智四十二伽陀 Forty-two Verses on Individualizing Deep Awareness
- མཉམ་པ་ཉིད་ཀྱི་ཡེ་ཤེས་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་ཉི་ཤུ་རྩ་བཞི། 平等性智二十四伽陀 Twenty-four Verses on Equalizing Deep Awareness
- བྱ་བ་ནན་གྱི་ཡེ་ཤེས་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་བཅུ་ལྔ། 成所作智十五伽陀 Fifteen Verses on the Accomplishing Deep Awareness
- རིགས་ལྔའི་སྒོ་ནས་ཡེ་ཤེས་ལྔ་ལ་བསྟོད་པ་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་ལྔ། 結贊五如來五智五伽陀 Five Verses on the Deep Awareness of the Five Thusly Gone Ones
- གཟུངས་སྔགས། 心咒 The Mantras
- མཇུག་བྱང་། 隨喜五伽陀 Five Verses as an Epilogue
Table of Contents || 目錄
- ཞུ་བ་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་བཅུ་དྲུག 祝禱十六伽陀 Sixteen Verses on Requesting Instruction
- ཞུས་ལན་ཚིགས་བཅད་དྲུག 答語六伽陀 Six Verses in Reply
- རིགས་དྲུག་ལ་གཟིགས་པ་ལ་ཚིག་བཅད་གཉིས 觀察六種二伽陀 Two Verses of Beholding the Six Buddha-Families
- སྒྱུ་འཕྲུལ་དྲྭ་བ་མངོན་པར་རྫོགས་པའི་བྱང་ཆུབ་པའི་རིམ་པ་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་གསུམ། 依幻化網現圓滿菩提次第之三伽陀 Three Verses on the Steps of Manifest Enlightenment by Means of Illusion’s Net
- རྡོ་རྗེ་དབྱིངས་ཀྱི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་ཆེན་པོ་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་བཅུ་བཞི། 金剛心大壇城十四伽陀 Fourteen Verses on the Great Mandala of the Vajra Sphere
- ཤིན་ཏུ་རྣམ་པར་དག་པ་ཆོས་དཋིངས་ཡེ་ཤེས་ཤི་ཚིགས་བཅད་རྐང་པས་དམན་པ་ཉི་ཤུ་རྩ་ལྔ། 最清淨法界體性智,少一句二十五伽陀 Twenty-five Verses, Less a Quarter, on the Deep Awareness of the Totally Pure Sphere of Reality
- མེ་ལོང་ལྟ་བུའི་ཡེ་ཤེས་ཀྱི་སྒོ་ནས་བསྟོད་པ་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་བཅུ། 大圆鏡智十伽陀 Ten Verses, Plus a Quarter, Praising Mirror-like Deep Awareness
- སོ་སོར་རྟོག་པའི་ཡ་ཤེེས་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་ཞེ་བཅུ་ཞེ་གཉིས། 妙觀察智四十二伽陀 Forty-two Verses on Individualizing Deep Awareness
- མཉམ་པ་ཉིད་ཀྱི་ཡེ་ཤེས་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་ཉི་ཤུ་རྩ་བཞི། 平等性智二十四伽陀 Twenty-four Verses on Equalizing Deep Awareness
- བྱ་བ་ནན་གྱི་ཡེ་ཤེས་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་བཅུ་ལྔ། 成所作智十五伽陀 Fifteen Verses on the Accomplishing Deep Awareness
- རིགས་ལྔའི་སྒོ་ནས་ཡེ་ཤེས་ལྔ་ལ་བསྟོད་པ་ལ་ཚིགས་བཅད་ལྔ། 結贊五如來五智五伽陀 Five Verses on the Deep Awareness of the Five Thusly Gone Ones
- གཟུངས་སྔགས། 心咒 The Mantras
- མཇུག་བྱང་། 隨喜五伽陀 Five Verses as an Epilogue
– 9 –
Twenty-four Verses on Equalizing Deep Awareness
隨樂成就微妙義, – 多貝 頓朱 當巴喋
dope tondrup tampa te
He’s the fulfiller of wished-for aims,
一切惡趣悉清淨, – 涅宋 當傑 南君哇
ngensong tamche namjongwa
he’s superb, the one totally purifying all of the worse rebirth states;
諸有情中殊勝尊, – 棍波 森間 棍機秋
gonpo semchen kun kyi chok
he’s the ultimate of all limited beings, the guardian,
一切有情令解脫. – 森間 當傑 拉佐即
semchen tamche rabdrol che
the complete liberator of all limited beings.
煩惱敵中獨勇猛, – 緣夢 約杜 即巴哇 nyonmong yultu chik pawa
He’s the hero in the battle with disturbing emotions, the unique one,
無知敵幔能摧破, – 咪謝 渣憶 跌巴炯
mishe drayi drekpa jom
the slayer of the insolent arrogance of the enemy “unawareness”;
具吉祥智而嚴身, – 洛電 給昌 巴當電
loden gek chang pel tang den
he’s intelligence, bearer of an enamored tone, the one with glory,
執持堅固之惡相. – 巴我 咪督 速昌拉
tanpo miduk zuk changwa
bearer of forms with heroic and disdainful tones.
能令動於百種手, – 郎巴 佳波 佳決進
lakpa gyapo kun kyo ching
He’s the one pounding with a hundred clubs in his hands,
舉步相中而作舞, – 鋼貝 達即 嘎即巴
kompe tapkyi gar chepa
he’s the dancer with a pounding-down of his feet;
吉祥百手皆圓滿, – 貝丹 郎巴 界剛喇
palden lakpa gye kang la
he’s the one with glory, the user of a hundred (user) hands,
遍空界中令作舞. – 郎卡 洽巴 嘎即巴
namkha khyappa gar chepa
the dancer across (the sectors used in) the expanse of the sky.
大地中圍一界分, – 沙義 進闊 細義勸
sayi kyilkhor shiyi khyon
He’s the one standing on the surface of the mandala of the earth,
以一足跟堅踏之, – 甘巴 亞即 特即倫
kangpa yachik tilkyi non
pressing down on the surface with a single foot;
以足爪甲界分內, – 甘鐵 現莫 勸即將
kangtep semmo khyonkyi kyang
he’s the one standing on the nail of his large toe,
淨梵世界盡令押. – 倉北 約沙 這呢倫
tsangpe yulsa tsene non
pressing down on the tip of Brahma’s (egg-like) world.
無二一義法之義, – 頓即 你咪 去機頓
ton chik nyime chokyi ton
He’s the singular item, the item regarding phenomena that’s nondual,
即微妙義無怖義, – 當貝 頓尼 即巴咩
tampe ton ni jikpa me
he’s the deepest (truth) item, (the imperishable powerful lord,)
亦種種識具色義, – 南哩 那淑 速東淺
namrik natso zukton chen
the one that lacks what’s fearful; he’s the item with a variety of revealing forms,
於心意識具相續. – 現當 南細 句當電
sem tang namshe gyu tang den
the one that has a continuity of mind and of partitioning consciousness.
體義無餘數歡喜, – 木電 瑪綠 南拉嘎
ngoton malu namla ga
He’s joyful awareness of existent things, without an exception,
愛空之性殊勝智, – 東巴 尼嘎 秋給洛
tongpanyi ga choggi lo
he’s joyful awareness of voidness, the highest intelligence;
捨離三有之貪欲, – 息貝 多洽 拉淑喋
sipe docha lasog de
the one gone beyond the longing desires, and the likes, of compulsive existence,
二有歡喜廣大者. – 息宋 嘎哇 千波巴
sissum gawa chenpo pa
he’s great joyful awareness regarding the three (planes of) compulsive existence.
色貌鮮潔若白雲, – 增嘎 達巴 信杜嘎
trinkar takpa shintu kar
He’s the pure white one – a brilliant white cloud,
光明殊勝如秋月, – 哦桑 頓給 達威哦
ozang tonke dawe o
with beautiful light – beams of the autumn moon,
亦如初出妙日輪, – 尼瑪 洽給 即達賊
nyima charkhe kyil tar dze
with an exquisite (face) – the mandala orb of a (youthful) sun,
爪如赤銅光皎潔. – 現莫 哦尼 謝且瑪
semmo o ni shecher mar
with light from his nails – a great (passionate) red.
頭冠殊勝尖末青, – 決邊 桑波 通機這
chopen zangpo tonke tse
With sapphire-blue hair knotted on top,
勝髮亦復紺青色, – 扎秋 通嘎 千波昌
tramchok tonka chenpo chang
and wearing a great sapphire on top of his locks,
大寶光明具吉祥, – 諾布 千波 哦洽巴
norbu chenpo ochak pel
he’s the glorious one with the radiant luster of a magnificent gem,
正覺化身莊嚴具. – 桑皆 初貝 進當電
sangye trulpe gyen tang den
having as jewelry emanations of Buddha.
諸百世界皆令動, – 吉登 康佳 棍決巴
jikten khamgya kun kyopa
He’s the shaker of spheres of hundreds of worlds,
而能具彼神足力, – 祖處 剛巴 達淺電
dzuntrul kangpe topchen den
the one with great force with his extraphysical powerful legs;
持於廣大實性念, – 諜呢 增巴 千波昌
tenyi drenpa chenpo chang
he’s the holder of the great (state of) mindfulness as well as the facts of reality,
四念住中靜慮王. – 增巴 西波 電增佳
drenpa shipo tingdzin gyel
he’s the ruler of the absorbed concentrations of the four types of mindfulness states.
以七覺支為花香, – 將秋 言啦 咩督布
changchup yenla metok po
He’s the fragrance of the love-blossoms on the branches
即是如來功德海, – 喋信 薛貝 緣定錯
teshin shekpe yonten tso
(leading) to a purified state, (the cream atop) the ocean of good qualities of the Thusly Gone Ones;
解八道支義理故, – 郎即 緣喇 界初哩
lamkyi yenla gye tsul rik
he’s the one knowing the mode of travel with the eightfold pathway minds,
是解真實正覺道. – 揚達 桑皆 郎哩巴
yangdak sangye lam rikpa
the one knowing the pathway mind of the Perfect, Fully Enlightened.
於諸有情大分著, – 森間 棍拉 西且洽
semchen kun la shecher chak
He’s the one having great adherence to all limited beings,
亦如虛空無所著, – 南卡 達布 洽巴咩
namkha tabur chakpa me
but without having adherence, like the sky;
一切有情意中生, – 森間 棍格 憶拉究
semchen kun kyi yi la juk
he’s the one entering the minds of all limited beings,
速疾猶如有情意. – 森間 棍格 憶達究
semchen kun kyi yi tar gyok
having speed in accord with the minds of all limited beings.
解諸有情根與義, – 森間 棍格 旺頓細
semchen kun kyi wangton she
He’s the one with awareness of the powers and objects of all limited beings,
能奪有情諸心意, – 森間 棍格 憶處巴
semchen kun kyi yi trokpa
the one who captures the hearts of all limited beings;
亦解五蘊實性義, – 碰波 鴉頓 喋您謝
pungpo nga ton tenyi she
he’s the one with awareness of the items and reality of the five aggregate factors,
清淨五蘊令受持. – 南達 碰波 亞昌哇
namdak pungpo nga changwa
the one who holds the full purity of the five aggregate factors.
決定出彼諸邊際, – 呢重 棍格 他拉呢
ngejung kun kyi ta la ne
He’s the one standing at the end of every definite deliverance,
亦能出於決定中, – 涅巴 重哇 棍拉克
ngepar jungwa kun la khe
the one who’s skilled in that which brings every definite deliverance;
向決定出道中住, – 涅重 棍格 郎啦呢
ngejung kun kyi lam la ne
he’s the one standing on the path for every definite deliverance,
宣說一切決定出. – 涅巴 重哇 棍頓巴
ngepar jungwa kun tonpa
the one who’s indicating every definite deliverance.
拔十二支三有根, – 言啦 究呢 薛渣頓
yenla chunyi sitsa ton
He’s the one who’s uprooted compulsive existence with its twelvefold links,
持於清淨十二種, – 達巴 南巴 究尼昌
takpa nampa chunyi chang
the holder of their purification having twelvefold aspects;
具有四諦之義相, – 電息 捉寄 南巴淺
denshi tsulkyi nampa chen
having the aspect of the mode of travel of the fourfold truths,
解持八種之心識. – 謝巴 絶波 多巴昌
shepa gyepo tokpa chang
he’s the holder of the realization of the eightfold awareness.
十二實義令具足, – 電頓 南巴 究呢電
denton nampa chunyi den
He’s the points of truth in twelvefold aspects,
十六實性現體解, – 喋涅 南巴 究竹哩
tenyi nampa chudruk rik
the knower of reality in sixteen aspects,
以二十種成菩提, – 南巴 呢休 將秋巴
nampa nyishu changchuppa
the Fully Enlightened through twenty aspects,
勝解一切正覺相. – 南巴 桑皆 棍刃秋
nampar sangye kun rik chok
the Enlightened Buddha, the superb knower of all.
一切正覺幻化身, – 桑皆 棍格 祖貝怙
sangye kun kyi trulpe ku
He’s the one making knowable
無邊億界令出現, – 這哇 幫咪 界巴波
chewa pakme gyepapo
millions of enlightening emanation bodies of innumerable Buddhas;
彼諸剎那現了解, – 既即 湯傑 嗯巴督
kechik tamche ngonpar tok
he’s the clear realization of everything in a moment,
亦解剎那諸有義. – 森格 給即 頓棍哩
semkyi kechik ton kun rik
the knower of the objects of all moments of mind.
種種乘者方便理, – 貼巴 那促 塔捉即
tekpa natso tap tsulnonp
He’s the skillful means of the modes of travel of the various vehicles of mind,
利益去來皆了解, – 佐威 頓喇 督巴波
drowe ton la tokpapo
the one who makes knowable the aims of the wandering world;
決定出於三乘者, – 貼巴 宋機 涅重拉
tekpa sumkyi ngejung la
he’s the one who’s definitely delivered threefold, through the vehicles of mind,
住在於彼一乘果. – 貼巴 即格 這窩呢
tekpa chik ki drebur ne
the one who’s established as the fruit of (Ekayana,) the single vehicle of mind.
諸煩惱界清淨性, – 緣夢 康南 達貝達
nyonmong khamnam takpe dak
He’s the identity-nature totally pure of the spheres of disturbing emotions,
盡能滅除諸業果, – 勒格 康南 些即巴
lekyi khamnam ze chepa
he’s the depleter of the spheres of karma;
過於一切江海中, – 秋窩 佳措 棍呢嘎
chuwo gyatso kunle gel
he’s the one who has fully crossed over the ocean of currents,
寂靜如行中出現. – 佐威 棍巴 涅重哇
jorwe gonpa le jungwa
the one who’s emerged from the wilderness by means of the yogas.
煩惱及與隨煩惱, – 緣夢 涅哇 棍緣夢
nyonmong nyewe kun nyonmong
He’s the one fully rid of the disturbing emotions, the auxiliary disturbing emotions,
及以習氣皆棄捨, – 巴洽 即巴 電幫巴
bakcha chepa ten pangpa
and the general disturbing emotions, together with (all) their habits;
以於大悲智方便, – 寧傑 千波 謝拉塔
nyingje chenpo sherap tap
he’s discriminating awareness and great compassion as skillful means,
於諸有情作利益, – 敦友 佐威 頓且巴donyo drowe ton chepa
the one fulfilling the aims of the wandering world, meaningfully (without fail).
一切想義皆棄捨, – 杜細 棍機 頓幫信
dushe kun kyi ton pang shing
He’s the one with objects of all conceptual discernment gotten rid of,
亦令滅除心識意, – 南謝 頓尼 怙巴即
namshe ton ni gakpar che
the one with objects of partitioning consciousness brought to a halt;
能緣一切有情心, – 森間 棍格 玉當電
semchen kun yi yul tang den
he’s the cognitive object (in reference to) the minds of all limited beings,
亦解一切有情意. – 森間 棍格 憶哩巴
semchen kun kyi yi rikpa
the one that abides in the minds of all limited beings.
在彼一切有情心, – 森間 棍格 憶那呢
semchen kun kyi yi la ne
He’s the innermost stand of the minds of all limited beings,
隨順一切有情意, – 跌達 森當 頓巴究
teda sem tang tunpar juk
the one who’s passing as the equality of their minds;
充滿一切有情心, – 森間 棍憶 增巴即
semchen kun yi tsimpar che
he’s the one bringing satisfaction to the minds of all limited beings,
令諸有情心歡喜. – 森間 棍及 憶嘎哇
semchen kun kyi yi gawa
he’s the joy of the mind of all limited beings.
成就究竟無錯謬, – 杵巴 他欽 初巴梅
truppa tarchin trulpa me
He’s the culminating point of actualization,
一切謬解皆捨離, – 洛哇 當即 南巴幫
norwa tamche nampar pang
the one with confusion departed, he’s the one with every mistake dispelled;
於三義中無疑智, – 頓宋 貼倉 咩貝洛
ton sum tetsom mepe lo
he’s intelligence not indecisively wavering, the one that is threefold,
諸我三種功德性. – 棍頓 緣電 宋即達
kunton yonten sumkyi dak
the one (fulfilling) everyone’s aims, with an identity-nature of three constituents.
五蘊義理三時中, – 碰波 鴉頓 杜宋巴
pungpo nga ton tu sumpa
He’s the object (in reference to) the five aggregate factors, the one throughout the three times,
於諸剎那能分別, – 既即 湯界 傑扎切
kechik tamche chedra che
the one that makes things individually knowable in every instant;
一剎那中正等覺, – 給即 即格 祖桑皆
kechik chik ki dzok sangye
he’s the one with manifest total enlightenment in an instant,
持於一切正覺性. – 桑皆 棍格 讓新昌
sangye kun kyi rangshin chang
the bearer of all the Buddhas’ self-nature.
無身之身身中勝, – 綠咩 綠喋 綠即秋
lume lute lukyi chok
He’s the one with an enlightening body that’s incorporeal, the foremost of enlightening bodies,
解了諸身之邊際, – 綠及 他尼 督巴波
lukyi ta ni tokpapo
the one that makes knowable millions of enlightening bodies;
種種諸相諸處顯, – 淑南 那促 棍杜頓
zunam natso kuntu ton
he’s the one exhibiting everywhere a variety of forms,
大寶即是大寶首. – 諾布 千波 忍淺督
norbu chenpo rinchen tok
he’s the great gem, (Ratnaketu,) the crowning jewel.
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