Gosok Rinpoche Palden Lhamo Brief Sadhana Oral Transmission || 果碩仁波切 口傳吉祥天母略軌





To help dispel the Covid-19 corona virus as soon as possible, His Eminence Jangtse Choeje Kyabje Gosok Rinpoche has recorded the following short Palden Lhamo Mantra Practice for everyone. Please repeat the recording three times after Gosok Rinpoche to receive the Palden Lhamo Mantra Transmission. Recite and pray often during these difficult times for all sentient beings.

Palden Lhamo is one of the main female dharmapalas, (wisdom protectors), common to all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism. She appears in wrathful form riding a mule through a sea of blood, surrounded by wisdom fire. She is dark blue, one face with three eyes. She has sun at her navel and moon at her crown with peacock umbrella.

She frequently appears in the entourage of Yamantaka

果碩仁波切 吉祥天母略軌 口傳 || Gosok Rinpoche Palden Lhamo Short Sadhana Oral Transmission
果碩仁波切 唸誦 吉祥天母心咒:
久拉摩  久拉摩  久久拉摩   吞久 卡拉  拉千摩  拉摩  阿甲達甲  吞久  如路如路 
Gosok Rinpoche Recites Palden Lhamo Heart Mantra:
Jo ramo   jo ramo   jo jo ramo   thun jo   kala ra chen mo  ramo  acha dacha  thun jo   rulu rulu   hung jo hung

བྷྱོཿརགྨོ་ བྷྱོཿརགྨོ་ བྷྱོཿབྷྱོཿརགྨོ་ ཐུན་བྷྱོཿ་ཁ་ལ་ རཀ་ཆེན་མོ རགྨོ་ཨ་བྱ་ཏ་བྱ་ཐུན་བྷྱོཿ རུ་ལུ་རུ་ལུ་ ཧཱུྃ་བྷྱོཿཧཱུྃ



Palden Lhamo Brief Sadhana

སྐུ་གསུམ་ལྨུན་གྲུབཐུགས་རྗེསམཐར་ཕྱིནཡང་། 咕頌輪珠突吉塔欽 三身任運大悲已究竟, ku sum lhun dup thug je thar chin yang Your three bodies arise spontaneously and your compassion is fully developed, སྲིད་གསུམགདུག་པགདུལཕྱིརཁྲོས་པའི་སྐུ། 撕頌渡巴堆期垂唄咕 調伏三界暴惡忿怒身, si sum dug pa dhul chir thoe pai ku Yet you manifest a wrathful body to subdue the evil of the three realms. དུས་གསུམ་རྒྱལ་བའི་བསྟན་སྲུངཆེན་མོ་ལ། 推頌給唄丹頌千莫 三世勝者大護法尊前, due sum gyal way ten sung chen mo la To you, great protectress of the doctrine of the victorious ones of the three times, སྒོ་གསུམགུས་པཆེན་པོསཕྱག་འཚལ་ལོ 過頌魁巴千唄洽採洛 三門以大恭敬而禮拜! go sum gue pa chen poe chag tsal lo With my three doors I respectfully prostrate.
Palden Lhamo Heart Mantra: || 盡力持誦 吉祥天母心咒:
བྷྱོཿརགྨོ་ བྷྱོཿརགྨོ་ བྷྱོཿབྷྱོཿརགྨོ་ ཐུན་བྷྱོཿ་ཁ་ལ་ རཀ་ཆེན་མོ རགྨོ་ཨ་བྱ་ཏ་བྱ་ཐུན་བྷྱོཿ རུ་ལུ་རུ་ལུ་ ཧཱུྃ་བྷྱོཿཧཱུྃ 久拉摩  久拉摩  久久拉摩   吞久 卡拉  拉千摩  拉摩  阿甲達甲  吞久  如路如路  Jo ramo   jo ramo   jo jo ramo   thun jo   kala ra chen mo  ramo  acha dacha  thun jo   rulu rulu   hung jo hung
Verse of Transference: || 結行,回向:
མཐུན་པའི་དངོས་གྲུབམ་ལུས་པ། 吞唄維珠瑪履巴 隨順悉地盡無餘, thun pai ngu drub ma lue pa please grant all appropriate attainments here and now. དེང་འདིརབདག་ལ་རྩལ་དུ་གསོལ 挺提達拉載突隨 唯願當下賜予我, dheng dhir dag la tsal du sol o host of protectors འཁོརདངབསྟན་པལོངས་སྤྱོདརྣམས 闊唐顛巴隆絕囊 眷屬聖教及受用, khor dang ten pa long choe nham increase the teachings, རྒྱས་པརམཛོདཅིངསྲུང་མའི་གཙོ 給巴最經頌美作 悉令增長護法尊! gyae par dzoe ching sung mai tso my retinue, and my wealth.
བགེགས་རིགསསྟོང་ཕྲགབརྒྱ་ཅུ་ཞི་བ་དང 給日東差給玖西哇唐 八萬四千魔類息, gek rig tong trak gya chu shi wa dang Uncountable numbers and types of Demons and evil spirits Rest In Peace. མི་མཐུནགནོད་པའི་རྐྱེནདང་བྲལ་བདང་། 米吞虐唄堅唐拆哇唐 損害魔障離, mi thun noe pai kyen dang dral wa dang Bad Karmic forces and unwillingness of five poisonings which is provoked by human, Now Stops. མཐུན་པརའགྲུབཅིངཕུན་སུམ་ཚོགསགྱུར་པའི། 吞巴珠經噴頌措玖唄 圓滿皆具足, thun par drup ching phun sum tsok gyur pai All the auspicious fates and time accumulated profoundly and effortlessly. བཀྲ་ཤིསདེསཀྱངདེང་འདིརབདེ་ལེགསཤོག 扎西提蔣挺提疊例修 從今願諸吉祥來! tashi dhe kyang dheng dhir delek shok All the dharma teachings and good luck could showers endlessly from now on.

Gosok Rinpoche Monasteries and Centres around the world

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