Five wisdoms; 五智 (益西安); Tibetan: ཡེ་ཤེས་ལྔ (yeshe nga); Wylie: ye shes lnga; Sanskrit: Pancajnana;
Five wisdoms are five aspects of primordial wisdom:
- Wisdom of Dharmadhatu or suchness, Dharmadhatujnana, represented by Vairocana in the center
- Mirror-like Wisdom, Adarsajnana, represented by Akṣobhya in the east
- Wisdom of Equality, Samatajnana, represented by Ratnasambhava in the south
- Wisdom of Discernment, Pratyaveksanajnana, represented by Amitābha in the west
- All-Accomplishing Wisdom, Krtyanusthanajnana, represented by Amoghasiddhi in the north
- 法界體性智: 由中央毗盧遮那佛象徵
- 大圓鏡智: 由東方阿閦佛象徵
- 平等性智: 由南方寶生佛象徵
- 妙觀察智: 由西方阿彌陀佛象徵
- 成所作智: 由北方不空成就佛象徵
Synonyms/Additional Terms 同義詞:
Five wisdoms, 五智, Pancajnana